Happy Earth day

Happy earth day to all my dear students. This year lets find out how you can cobtribute to keep this earth a better place to live.As a student, you may not be able to afford a hybrid car or install solar panels on your abode, but there are plenty of small steps you can take to help the environment.

To become an energy conscious student, adapt these practices to your everyday life.
Recycle. Students use a lot of paper each semester. From class notes to school newspapers to Internet print-outs, your paper consumption can add up pretty quickly. To really help the environment, save the paper and go electronic as much as possible. . Don't forget to recycle other items as well, such as cans and bottles.
Buy vintage. By purchasing items from thrift stores, not only will you be helping the environment, but you will also have a more unique wardrobe and bedroom/dorm/apartment than your peers. Buying items second-hand instead of brand new means no new manufacturing resources that create pollution and carbon emissions had to be used.

Unplug idle electronics and chargers. Just because you aren't actively using an appliance, doesn't mean that it isn't using electricity. If it's plugged into an outlet, it's sucking power whether it's being used or not. To save money, waste less electricity, and cut down on your carbon emissions, unplug your cell phone charger, computer, TV, toaster, and lamps when you are not using them.
Save water. Water is a limited resource and is "recycled" through water treatment facilities. The more water we waste, the more energy we have to produce to run those facilities. Save water and energy by taking shorter showers, washing full loads of laundry, and turning off the faucet when brushing teeth and washing hands.
Walk, bike, or take the bus. Stop driving your car everywhere you need to go. If you live close enough to school, try walking or biking. Live a little farther away? Take mass transit. If you do have to drive your car, drive the speed limit in order to use less gas and roll down the windows instead of using the air conditioner.
Carry a refillable water bottle.   Save money and the environment by using a refillable water bottle instead of buying bottled water. Bottled water leaves a huge carbon footprint because of the packaging and transportation.
Eat less meat. Out of this whole list, eating a vegetarian diet is the activity that will have the greatest impact on helping the environment. A United Nations report states that "meat production produces more greenhouse gas emissions than all forms of transportation combined." If you refuse to give up meat completely, you can still be green by avoiding meat just a few days a week.
Environmental issues are more important than ever. Be sure to do your part to help make our earth a better place to live.


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